Future Islands "Long Flight" lyrics

Translation to:to

Long Flight

I got back from a long flight,You said you'd meet me there,I've been tripping off constellations and stars.I found you at home, what was our home,With another man, oh man.Been keeping you in my heart.

[Bridge:]And so I whispered into your ear,"What are you thinking about?"You just looked up at the starsAnd so I whispered into your ear,"Who are you thinking about?"It couldn't be me

[Chorus:]You can't look me in my eyes anymore,Without the rivers to tend.Because you remember our love was true,But you just needed a hand,And you can't look me in my eyes anymore,Without yourself to defend.You know you hurt me so bad,Just 'cause you needed a hand.And I went off and saw things I've never seen,I really wanted you there.But you ruined what was loveJust 'cause you needed a hand

This is the way that it all falls.This is how I feel,This is what I need:You, by me--right here--by me,Right now.



Just 'cause you needed a hand.

Puna Loloa

Neu toki ha'u mei he puna loloa,Naa ke tala 'oku ke fetaulaki au 'i ai,He kuo hekea 'i ngaahi mataliki mo e ngaahi fetu'u.Neu kumi koe 'i 'api, koe fa'ahinga ha 'o hotau 'api?Mo e ha tangata taha, 'oiaue.Tauhi koe 'i 'eku loto.

[Tau mui:]Pea neu muhumuhu 'i ho telinga,"Koe ha me'a 'oku ke manatu?"Pea na'e matamata koe ki he ngaahi fetu'uPea neu muhumuhu 'i ho telinga,"Koe ha me'a 'oku ke manatu?"E 'ikai ko au ia

[Tau:]E 'ikai 'aupito ke sio koe ki loto 'eku mata,'Ikai ha vaitafe ke tokonga'i.Koe 'uhi 'oku ke manatu'i 'oku mo'oni hotau 'ofa,Kae toki fiema'u koe ha tokoni,Pea 'oku 'ikai 'aupito ke ke sio ki loto 'eku mata,Kae toki fakahao'i koe kita.'Ilo'i koe, 'oku ke fakamamahi 'atu kiate au,Koe 'uhi, ki ho fiema'u 'o ha tokoni.Pea na'e 'alu au 'o sio 'a e ngaahi me'a 'oku 'ikai na'e sio au 'i mua,He kuo fiema'u 'aupito ke te 'alu ki ai.Kae maumau'i koe 'a e me'a, koe 'ofa iaKoe 'uhi, ki ho fiema'u 'o ha tokoni

Koe 'anga ni, koe 'ulungaki 'o e me'a ko ia kotoa pe.Ko ia 'oku ou 'ongo'i,Ko ia 'oku ou fiema'u:Ko koe, va'ofi kiate au -- 'i heni -- va'ofi kiate au,Taimi ni.

[Tau mui]


Koe 'uhi, ki ho fiema'u 'o ha tokoni

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Long Flight by Future Islands. Or Long Flight poem lyrics. Future Islands Long Flight text.