Urban Symphony "Päikese poole" lyrics

Translation to:elenesfiitltru

Päikese poole

Ta kõnnib mööda köit,kahe pilvelõhkuja vahel.Kergel sammul läheb,kui kõnniks lihtsalt mööda teed.

Habras õhuke joon,viib üle hea ja kurja vahelt.Silmapiir ta ees,kui unistuste riim.

Päikese poole,tormilindude tee viib kaasa.Kandes ta soove,suurlinna tolmustelt teedelt.Valguse poole,hämaraist varjudest kaugemale.Samm-haaval liigub,noor ja kartmatu hing.

On tõusmas tuul,aega jäänud on vähe.Uudistaja pilgud taevas,jälgivad ta teed.Nii kõndides,kui hea ja kurja vahel.Ta endale kindlaks jäädeskaugustesse läheb

Towards The Sun

He walks along the rope,Between two skyscrapers.Steps lightly as he goes,He walks just as easily down the road.

Fragile thin line,Carries him between good and evil.The horizon in front of him,Like a rhyme to a dream.

Toward the sun,The path of petrels carries him alongTaking along its wishesFrom metropolitan dusty streets.Towards the light,Away from twilight shadowsStep by stepA young and fearless soul.

The wind is rising,There is little time left,Onlookers glance at the sky,Following in his path.Walking this way,Between good and evil.He remains confident,He'll go the distance1.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Päikese poole by Urban Symphony. Or Päikese poole poem lyrics. Urban Symphony Päikese poole text in English. Also can be known by title Paikese poole (Urban Symphony) text. This page also contains a translation, and Paikese poole meaning.