Iron & Wine "Innocent Bones" lyrics

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Innocent Bones

Cain got a milk-eyed mule from the auctionAbel got a telephoneAnd even the last of the blue-eyed babies knowThat the burning man is the color of the end of dayAnd how every tongue that gets bit always has another word to say

Cain bought a blade from some witch at the windowAbel bought a bag of weedAnd even the last of the brown-eyed babies seeThat the cartoon king has a tattoo of a bleeding heartThere ain't a penthouse Christian wants the pain of the scab, but they all want the scarHow every mouth sings of what it's without so we all sing of loveAnd how it ain't one dog who's good at fucking and denying who he's thinking of

Cain heard a cat tumble limp off the rooftopAbel heard his papa prayAnd even the last of the black-eyed babies sayThat every saint has a chair you can borrow and a church to sellThat the wind blows cold across the back of the master and the kitchen helpThere's a big pile of innocent bones still holding up the garden wallAnd it was always the broken hand we learned to lean on after allHow God knows if Christ came back he would find us in a poker gameAfter finding out the drugs were all free but they won't let you out the door again

Nevine kosti

Kain je dobio mutnooku mulu na aukcijiAbel je dobio telefonI čak i posljednje od plavooke djece znaDa je gorući čovjek boja kraja danaI kako svaki jezik koji bude ugrižen uvijek ima neku drugu riječ za reći

Kain je kupio oštricu od neke vještice na prozoruAbel je kupio vreću traveI čak i posljednje od smeđooke djece vidiDa kralj iz crtića ima tetovažu krvarećeg srcaNema potkrovlja, kršćanin želi bol kraste,ali svi oni žele ožiljakKako svaka usta pjevaju o tome što im nedostaje pa svi mi pjevamo o ljubaviI kako nema nijednog psa koji je dobar u jebanju i nijekanju o tome na koga misli

Kain je čuo tupo šepanje mačke s krovaAbel je čuo kako se njegov tata moliI čak i posljednje od crnooke djece znaDa svaki svetac ima stolicu koju možeš posuditi i crkvu za prodatiDa vjetar puše hladno preko leđa majstora i pomoćnika u kuhinjiTu je velika hrpa nevinih kostiju što još uvijek podupire zid od vrtaI uvijek je bila slomljena ruka ona na koju smo se navikli oslanjati naposljetkuKako Bog zna, kad bi se Krist vratio, zatekao bi nas u partiji pokeraNakon što saznaš da su sve droge besplatne, ali neće te pustiti van kroz vrata opet

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Innocent Bones by Iron & Wine. Or Innocent Bones poem lyrics. Iron & Wine Innocent Bones text.