Connie Francis "Italiano Tango" lyrics

Translation to:en

Italiano Tango

Tango Italiano, un dolce TangoHo sentito una notte suonareSotto un cielo di montagna

Quel Tango Italiano, un dolce TangoIl mio amore per te é dolceProprio come il Tango dolce

In quel momento sull ali del vento avrei voluto andarE dal mio amore, il mio cuore scontento voleva

Un Tango Italiano, un dolce TangoHa portato un ricchiamo d'amorAl mio stanco e nostalgico cuoreE mi hai fatto per sempre tornarDal mio amore Italiano

You were so warm and so nearAnd my heart climbed a stairs to the stars

Repeat 3rd verse.

Italian Tango

Tango Italian, a sweet TangoI heard one night playingUnder a sky mountain

That Tango Italian, this is the TangoWhen our love was born That had it''s startOn That Night That I found you

At that moment, on the wings of the wind I would have liked to goAnd from my love, my heart wanted discontent

An Italian Tango, Tango sweetHe brought a love of ricchiamoIn my tired and nostalgic heartsAnd I've always done to returnFrom my love of Italian

You were so warm and so nearAnd in my heart climbed stairs to the stars

Repeat 3rd verse.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Italiano Tango by Connie Francis. Or Italiano Tango poem lyrics. Connie Francis Italiano Tango text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Italiano Tango meaning.