Bob's Burgers (OST) "Getting Out of P.E. Class" lyrics

Translation to:to

Getting Out of P.E. Class

Heading out of P.E.Gives us time to play on the streetFirst we lied to Mr. FrondNow we're in a nail salon.

Hola Mei Kalasi Fakamalohi Jino

'Alu mei kalasi fakamalohi jino'Atu ia kitautolu ke tau va'inga 'i he hala'Ulu'aki naa mau loi kia Fai'ako Folonote'Oku mau 'i loto 'i ha fale ngaue-ngeesinima.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Getting Out of P.E. Class by Bob's Burgers (OST). Or Getting Out of P.E. Class poem lyrics. Bob's Burgers (OST) Getting Out of P.E. Class text. Also can be known by title Getting Out of PE Class (Bobs Burgers OST) text.