None of those things, not even a thing, is ownable it seemstung·bin ga·seum bboon·ee·niEven if I offer up my life, even if I offer up everything, must my heart only be emptyda·eul·ggaIf I follow the times, and continue to live, will I reach the end of yearning?bboon·in·guhlBecause we weren't fated for this world, it seems I should have just stepped aside
It scares me more than death, having to breathe in this worldI can't avoid it, I cannot even hide, when it's only so far aheadAs if closing its eyes to the moonlight, this gloomy and hollow heartAt the end of the day, shall I just put it to sleep? If for only a moment
Carved on my heart, when this love wanders aimlessly aboutI try to become the lowest and smallest name in all the world
None of those things, not even a thing, is ownable it seemsEven if I offer up my life, even if I offer up everything, must my heart only be emptyIf I follow the times, and continue to live, will I reach the Because we weren't fated for this world, it seems I should have just stepped aside
Shall I jump into the river's water? My lonely rain's heartMight I not be able to send it to the ends of the clouds? Even if it'll return tomorrowHaving bruised my heart, when that love brings me to tearsI try to become the lowest and smallest name in all the worldNone of those things, as just my own, is ownable it seemsEven if I end my tears, and even if I burn my memories, my sighs grow deeperpropelled by poverty, if I continue to live, will I reach regret's end?Below the same sky, doing nothing but lingering, is that the completion of our fate?None of those things, not even a thing, is ownable it seemsEven if I offer up my life, even if I offer up everything, must my heart only be emptyIf I follow the times, and continue to live, will I reach the end of yearning?Because we weren't fated for this world, it seems I should have just stepped aside