Morrissey "Interlude" lyrics

Translation to:cadepl


Time is like a dreamAnd now, for a time, you are mineLet's hold fast to the dreamThat tastes and sparkles like wine

Who knows (who knows)If it's realOr just something we're both dreaming ofWhat seems like an interlude nowCould be the beginning of love

Loving youIs a world that's strangeSo much more than my heart can holdLoving youMakes the whole world changeLoving you, I could not grow oldNo, nobody knowsWhen love will endSo till then, sweet friend...Time is like a dreamAnd now, for a time, you are mineLet's hold fast to the dreamThat tastes and sparkles like wine

Who knows (who knows)If it's realOr just something we're both dreaming of?What seems like an interlude nowCould be the beginning of loveWhat seems like an interlude nowCould be the beginning of loveWhat seems like an interlude nowCould be the beginning of love


El temps és com un somnii ara, per un temps, ets meva.Agafem-nos fort a aquest somnique bombolleja i té gust de vi.

Qui sap (qui sap)si això passa realmento és tan sols una cosa de què somiem tots junts?El que ara sembla un interludi,podia ser el començament de l’amor.

Estimar-teés un món estrany,és molt més del que pot aguantar el meu cor.Estimar-tecanvia el món sencer.Estimant-te, no podria envellir mai.No, no sap ningúquan acabaria l’amor,per això, fins llavors, dolça amiga...El temps és com un somnii ara, per un temps, ets meva.Agafem-nos fort a aquest somnique bombolleja i té gust de vi.

Qui sap (qui sap)si això passa realmento és tan sols una cosa de què somiem tots junts?El que ara sembla un interludi,podia ser el començament de l’amor.El que ara sembla un interludi,podia ser el començament de l’amor.El que ara sembla un interludi,podia ser el començament de l’amor.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Interlude by Morrissey. Or Interlude poem lyrics. Morrissey Interlude text.