Nine Inch Nails "I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally" lyrics

Translation to:fr

I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally

As black as the night can getEverything is safer nowThere is always a way to forgetOnce you learn to find a way how

In the blur of serenityWhere did everything get lost?The flowers of naiveteBuried in a layer of frost

The smell of sunshineI remember sometimes

Thought he had it all before they called his bluffFound out that his skin wasn't thick enoughWanted to go back to how it was beforeThought he lost everythingThen he lost a whole lot more

A fool's devotionSwallowed up in a empty spaceThe tears of regretFrozen to the side his face

The smell of sunshineI remember sometimes

I've done all I can doCould I please come with you?

The smell of sunshineI remember sometimes

Here one can find the lyrics of the song I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally by Nine Inch Nails. Or I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally poem lyrics. Nine Inch Nails I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally text. Also can be known by title Im Looking Forward To Joining You Finally (Nine Inch Nails) text.