G-Eazy "Everything Will Be OK (When it's dark out)" lyrics

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Everything Will Be OK (When it's dark out)

[Kehlani]Even if I don't stayEverything will be okayEverything will be okayEverything will be okay(Okay, okay)

[G-Eazy]Contemplating just who I could've turned out to beIf I'd stayed and weren’t heard, what would amount to me?If I had looked and ain't found, would I have founded me?I mean inside, would they love me?Never looked down on me?They say, "You know if you loved herWell then you would have stayedYou could have made a perfect pairThat people wouldn't trade"Trade for nothing, I did though, I had to chase itFace it, I wasn’t born to live a life basicThey say, "you turned your back on usJust to go and be an artistWhat's a promise anyway when someone breaks it?I bet he finally gets a shot and then he wastes itI bet he don’t come back for us when he makes itAnd if he do it be too late, you gotta face itCause by then there's someone newYou've been replaced withOld friends I grew up with, the girl I fell in love withLove or hate me depending on how you judge it

[Kehlani]Even if I don't stayEverything will be okayEverything will be okay(I promise it'll be okay)Everything will be okay(Okay, okay)

[G-Eazy]I had to wander, I had to go tread my own pathIf you don't step through no mud well then it won't lastThe years pass it's crazy how they go fastAsk myself questions that you have but you won't askLike, "you don’t even come home enoughWhere were you when she was in the hospital, huh?It was only us," and that’s deep and yeah I know it cutsBut if it gets you, then you’re weakBecause we were here and it ain’t broken usStill as close and stayed by her side when no one wasLike when she lost her job and everything, how broke we wasWhen she was sick and she needed some taking care ofA fifteen year old shouldered the weightAnd when he was scared ofThe worst, I know that you stayed strongDon’t say this enoughBut you made me just as proud as you made MomYeah, you got some anger but I don’t blame you at allI know I don't call, but you're my brother, I love you

[Hook: Kehlani]Even if I don't stayEverything will be okayEverything will be okay(I promise it'll be okay)Everything will be okay(Okay, okay)

[G-Eazy]In that first grade class they came and got me"Your mom's outside, say goodbye now to everybody"U-Haul was waiting with all of her thingsAt least what she could packIn the time my dad's at work and before he came backWay too young to comprehend what was happening"Are we going to grandma's?When are we coming back again?"Little did I know that we were leaving him by himselfAnd ten years would pass before Mom sees anybody elseJust us, in middle school I ain't understandWho Melissa was and why she wasn't another manBiased and confused they try to explain but nobody canWanted what I thought was normal, she had another planSuch is life, even if it took time for me to accept itNo longer Dad now, but a woman with whom she slept withOr for the years when a secret was how she kept itI ain't get it, admittedly I was skepticI came around, happiness I see's what you may have foundAnd that's what's most importantI don’t wanna see you breaking downI wanna see you smile, I don't wanna see you make a frownIf she loves you, then that's all anybody needs maybe nowBy '05 things had gotten worseMoved to the basement, deep depressions a rotten curseHiding in a dark space, her mind and her body hurtsBecoming more reclusive and the pills should have been alertsSo the worse it got, I became more and more afraidUntil one night, I went into that room, on the floor she laidI shook her she was blue, her skin was coldShe wasn't breathingScreamed, "Melissa wake up"Couldn't fathom that she was leavingMom and Bro was running down, I screamed "somebody help"Try pumping her chest, CPR, but it didn’t helpToughest pill to swallow, but we lost, that’s forced reflectionWhile in her life you made her happyThank you for the blessing

[Kehlani]Even if I don't stay(Even if I don't stay)Everything will be okay(It’ll be, it'll be okay)Everything will be okay(I promise it'll be okay)Everything will be okay(Okay, okay)

Totul va fi bine

[Kehlani]Chiar daca nu ramanTotul va fi bineTotul va fi bineTotul va fi bine(bine,bine)

[G-Eazy]Reflectand doar la cine as fi putut fiDaca as fi ramas si nu as fi fost auzit, ce as fi primit?Daca as fi cautat si nu as fi gasit , m-as fi gasit pe mine?Adica, in interior , ei m-ar fi iubit?Niciodata nu s-au uitat in jos la mine?Ei spun , "Stii, daca ai fi iubit-oPai atunci ai fi ramasAti fi facut o pereche perfectaPe care oamenii nu ar judeca-o"Judecat pentru nimic,am gandit , a trebuit sa alerg dupa eaRecunoaste, nu am fost nascut pentru o viata normalaEi spun "Ne-ai intors spateleDoar ca sa pleci si sa fii un artistCe e o promisiune ,oricum, cand cineva nu o tine?Pun pariu ca el primeste o sansa si o irosestePun pariu ca el nu vine inapoi pentru noi cand reusesteSi daca o face prea tarziu , atunci trebuie sa o recunostiPentru ca langa ese o persoana nouaCu care ai fost inlocuit "Prieteni noi cu care am crescut , fata de care m-am indragostitIubeste-ma sau uraste-ma , depinde de cum judeci

[Kehlani]Chiar daca nu ramanTotul va fi bineTotul va fi bineTotul va fi bine(bine,bine)

[G-EazyA trebuit sa ratacesc, a trebuit sa merg pe propria caleDaca nu calci prin noroi , atunci nu va duraAnii care trec , e o nebunie cum merg asa de repedeMa gandesc la intrebarile pe care vrei sa mi le pui ,dar nu o vei faceCum ar fi"Nici macar nu vii acasa des, unde ai fost cand ea era la spital, a?Am fost doar noi ,"iar asta e profund si da, stiu ca e durerosDar daca te prinde , atunci esti slabPentru ca noi am fost aici si nu ne-a distrusLA fel de apropiati si am fost langa ea cand nimeni nu a fostCa atunci cand ea si-a pierdut job-ul si tot ,cat de faliti am fostCand s-a inbolnavit si a avut nevoie de ajutorul cuivaUnul de 15 ani a avut grija de totSi cand el a fost speriatCel mai rau , stiu ca voi ati fost puterniciNu spun asta destulDar m-ai facut mandru la fel cum ai facut-o si pe mamaDa, esti furios , dar nu te invinuiesc pentru astaStiu ca nu sun , dar esti fratele me, te iubesc

[Kehlani]Chiar daca nu ramanTotul va fi bineTotul va fi bine(Promit ca va fi bine)Totul va fi bine(bine,bine)

[G-Eazy]In clasa intai au venit la mine si mi-au spus"Mama ta e afara , spune pa tuturot"Astepta afara cu toate lucrurile eipe care le-ar fi putut impachetaIn timpul in care tata era la munca si inainte sa ajunga acasaPrea tanar ca sa inteleg ce se intampla"Mergem la binica?Cand mai venim inapoi?"Putinul pe care l-am stiut a fost ca il lasam singurSi 10 ani ar putea trece pana mama intalneste pe altcinevaDoar noi , in scoala generala nu intelegCine era Melissa si de ce nu era alt barbatConfuze, au incercat sa imi explice, dar nimeni nu puteaDoream ceea ce credeam ca era normal , dar ea avea alt planCum este viata , chiar daca mi-a luat timp sa acceptFara tata acum , doar o femeie cu care ea se culcaSau anii in care ea a tinut secretulNu inteleg , admid ca am fost scepticMi-am revenit , fericirea pe care ai gasit-oSi asta e cel mai importantNu vreau sa te vad suferindVreau sa te vad zambind, nu vreau sa vad cum te incruntiDaca ea te iubeste , atunci asta e singurul lucru de care ai nevoie acumIn '05(2005) lucrurile s-au inrautatitMutandu-se in subsol , depresia profunda un blesem putredAscunzandu-se in intuneric , mintea si corpul o dureauDevenind mai restrictiva , pastilele ar fi trebuit sa fie alerteleSi cu cat s-a inrautatit , mi-am fost mult mai fricaPana intr-o noapte, am intrat in camera aia , pe jos era intinsaAm scuturat-o , era vanata, pielea ii era receNu respiraAm tipat "MElissa , trezeste-te!"Mama si bro au venit jos , am strigat "ajutor, cineva!"Am apasat-o pe piept,CPR, dar nu a ajutatPastile grele inghitite,dar am pierdut , asta-i reflectie fortataIn timpul vietii ai facut-o fericitaMultumesc pentru aceasta binecuvantare

[Kehlani]Chiar daca nu raman(Chiar daca nu raman)Totul va fi bine(Va fi , va fi)Totul va fi bine(Promit ca va fi bine)Totul va fi bine(bine,bine)

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Everything Will Be OK (When it's dark out) by G-Eazy. Or Everything Will Be OK (When it's dark out) poem lyrics. G-Eazy Everything Will Be OK (When it's dark out) text. Also can be known by title Everything Will Be OK When its dark out (G-Eazy) text.