+44 "Weatherman" lyrics

Translation to:essr


So you think you've been through it allBut I can't help but wonder nowYesterday I found my worst regretI'll hide it away so no one ever knows

I'm dying...I'm trying to leave

Let me slip away, I'm barely holding onEvery now and then I feel the end of us

I never meant to say I'm sorryAnd I'm not sad to see you goWhere human shapes burned on concrete wallsThese days the sun don't shine here anymore

I'm dying... (I find it motivating to see your troubles drowning)I'm trying to leave (It's such a shame to feel I'm drifting)

Let me slip away, I'm barely holding onEvery now and then I feel the end of usI love the way you breathe inside my headBut something's gotta change, I'm barely holding on

Let me slip away, I'm barely holding onEvery now and then I feel the end of usI love the way you breathe inside my headBut something's gotta change, I'm barely holding onLet me slip away, I'm barely holding on (I find it motivating to see your troubles drowning)Every now and then I feel the end of us (It's such a shame to feel I'm drifting)I love the way you breathe inside my head (I find it motivating to see your troubles drowning)But something's gotta change, I'm barely holding on (It's such a shame to feel I'm drifting)

I'm barely holding onI'm barely holding on


Misliš da prošla si sveAli ne mogu pomoći pa se pitamJuče našao sam najgoru žalostSakriću je da niko ne zna

UmiremPokušavam da odem

Pusti da iščeznem, teško se držimSvakim sad i tada osećam kraj

Nikad nisam hteo izviniti seI nisam tužan dok gledam kako idešGde ljudski oblici gore na betonskim zidovimaOvih dana sunce neće sijati ovde

Umirem (Nadahnuće je gledati nevolje kako tonu)Pokušavam da odem( Kakav je sram osetiti da plutam)

Pusti da iščeznem, teško se držimSvakim sad i tada osećam krajVolim kako dišeš u mojoj glaviAli nešto se mora promeniti, teško se držim

Pusti da iščeznem, teško se držimSvakim sad i tada osećam krajVolim kako dišeš u mojoj glaviAli nešto se mora promeniti, teško se držimPusti da iščeznem, teško se držim(Nadahnuće je gledati nevolje kako tonu)Svakim sad i tada osećam kraj(Kakav je samo sram osetiti da plutam)Volim kako dišeš u mojoj glavi (Nadahnuće je gledati nevolje kako tonu)Ali nešto se mora promeniti, teško se držim(Kakav je samo sram osetiti da plutam)

Teško se držimTeško se držim

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Weatherman by +44. Or Weatherman poem lyrics. +44 Weatherman text.