Bon Iver "Holocene" lyrics

Translation to:bsdehuittotr


Someway, baby, it's part of me, apart from meYou're laying waste to HalloweenYou fucked it, friend, it's on its head, it struck the streetYou're in Milwaukee, off your feet

And at once I knew I was not magnificentStrayed above the highway aisle(Jagged vacance, thick with ice)I could see for miles, miles, miles

3rd and Lake, it burnt away, the hallwayWas where we learned to celebrateAutomatic bought the years you'd talk for meThat night you played me 'Lip Parade'Not the needle, nor the thread, the lost decreeSaying nothing, that's enough for me

And at once I knew I was not magnificentStrayed above the highway aisle(Jagged vacance, thick with ice)I could see for miles, miles, miles

Christmas night, it clutched the light, the hallow brightAbove my brother, I and tangled spinesWe smoked the screen to make it what it was to beNot to know it in my memory

And at once I knew I was not magnificentStrayed above the highway aisle(Jagged vacance, thick with ice)I could see for miles, miles, miles


Nekako, dušo, dio je mene, razdvojen od mene.Rušiš Noć vještica.Prijateljico, sjebala si, sve je pogrešno, bacila si u vodu.U Milvokiju si, totalno pijana.

I odjednom sam skontao da nisam veličanstvenLutajući preko prolaz autoputa.(Razuđena praznina, puna leda)Mogao sam da vidim milje i milje i milje.

Treća i Jezerska, izgorjela je, hodnikJe bio mjesto gdje smo naučili slaviti.Automatski mjenjač mi je dao godine kad si mi pričala,Ona noć kad si mi pokazala Lip Parade.Ne igla, ne ni nit, izgubljen dekret.Reći ništa, to je meni dosta.

I odjednom sam skontao da nisam veličanstvenOdvučen od prolaz autoputa.(Razuđena praznina, puna leda)Mogao sam da vidim milje i milje i milje.

Noć Božića, držilo je svjetlo, svetac sjajanPreko mog brata, ja i zapletanih bodlja.Pušili smo zavjesu da bi otkrili ono što je postala,A ne da bi zapamtio.

I odjednom sam skontao da nisam veličanstvenNapušen preko prolaz autoputa.(Razuđena praznina, puna leda)Ali mogao sam da vidim milje i milje i milje.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Holocene by Bon Iver. Or Holocene poem lyrics. Bon Iver Holocene text.