Antonio Molina "Gibraltar" lyrics

Translation to:en


Gibraltarfrente al mar Mediterráneorincón de tierra andaluzason tus frentes gaditanosGibraltarfuera muros y fronterasque no hay vallas que separenel cuerpo y alma de España

Gibraltarespina en el corazónde mi España soberanaGibraltarGibraltaryo te canto mi canciónGibraltar, Gibraltar

Gibraltartu roca tierra españolaespañola tus entrañasy aunque alguno no lo quieraGibraltartodo el mundo lo proclamaque tú eres Andalucíaque tú eres parte de España

Gibraltarespina en el corazónde mi España soberanaGibraltarGibraltaryo te canto mi canciónGibraltar, Gibraltar


GibraltarIn front of the Mediterranean seaCorner of the Andalusian landYour fronts are gaditanos*GibraltarOutside walls and frontiersThere are no fences that divideThe body and soul of Spain

GibraltarThorn in the heartOf my sovereign SpainGibraltarGibraltarI sing to you my songGibraltar, Gibraltar

GibraltarYour rocky spanish landSpanish your dephtsAnd even if someone disagreesGibraltarThe entire world announcesThat you're my AndalucìaThat you're part of Spain

GibraltarThorn in the heartOf my sovereign SpainGibraltarGibraltarI sing to you my songGibraltar, Gibraltar

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Gibraltar by Antonio Molina. Or Gibraltar poem lyrics. Antonio Molina Gibraltar text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Gibraltar meaning.