the cabs "Kyerutse no Rasen (キェルツェの螺旋)" lyrics

Translation to:en

Kyerutse no Rasen (キェルツェの螺旋)


The Spiral of Kielce

I want to try to set fire to clean clothes and burn them,And do it all over again even if the solution proves wrong.If I should be reborn, I'd no longer like to be saved.God is dead, and you crush tablets.How do you suppose I could've become a gentle guy?

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Kyerutse no Rasen (キェルツェの螺旋) by the cabs. Or Kyerutse no Rasen (キェルツェの螺旋) poem lyrics. the cabs Kyerutse no Rasen (キェルツェの螺旋) text in English. Also can be known by title Kyerutse no Rasen キェルツェの螺旋 (the cabs) text. This page also contains a translation, and Kyerutse no Rasen キェルツェの螺旋 meaning.