I will not do it again
O man, Whenever I say I won't do it again, Fate brings me there.I miss her black eyes and Missing is killing me.O man, Whenever I say to myself I won't do it again, Fate brings me there.I miss her black eyes and Missing is killing me.O man, Whenever I say to myself I won't do it again, Fate brings me there.I miss her black eyes and Missing is killing me.
O man, I am away and nights don't leave me alone.O man, I am away and nights don't leave me alone.O man, The lashes that keep inflicting wounds in me made me lost. why did I have to go through that?O man, The lashes that keep inflicting wounds in me made me lost. why did I have to go through that?O man, Whenever I say to myself I won't do it again, Fate brings me there.I miss her black eyes and Missing is killing me.
Oh you killer lashes and wandering sleepy eyesOh you killer lashes and wandering sleepy eyesO man, I would give you my whole life and you give me happiness in return.O man, Whenever I say I won't do it again, Fate brings me there.I miss her black eyes and Missing is killing me.
O man,The green heart(metaphor as if it is a green land that needs to be watered)had its songs witheredO man,The green hearthad its songs witheredand while you are not herehe can't be watered from any other sea.and while you are not herehe can't be watered from any other sea.
O man, Whenever I say I won't do it again, Fate brings me there.