Yanka Dyagileva "Стаи летят" lyrics

Translation to:en

Стаи летят

Под руки в степь, в уши о вереВ ноги поклон, стаи летятК сердцу платок, камень на шеюВ горло глоток, может, простят

Ленту на гpудь столько искалиСжатые рты, время впередКрест под окном, локти усталиЗнамя на штык, козел в огород

Серый покой, сон под колеса.Вены дрожат, все налегкеСветлый босой кукиш у носаРядом бежать на поводке

Вечный огонь, лампы дневныеТемный пролет, шире глазаКрепкий настой, плачьте, родныеУгол, свеча, стол, образа...

Под руки в степь, стаи летятМожет, простят...

Flocks are flying

By the elbows to the steppe, of faith into ears,Low bow to the feet, the flocks are flying,A handkerchief to the heart, a stone around the neck,A gulp into the throat, maybe they'll forgive.

Long search for a ribbon onto the chest,Set jaws, time to go ahead1,Cross under window, the elbows are tired,Banner onto a bayonet, the wolf guards the sheep.

Gray calm, dream thrown under wheels2,Trembling veins, belongings are scarce3Bright and barefoot kukish4 under your nose,To run alongside on a leash.

Eternal flame, daytime lamps,Dark stair-flight, the eyes are wider,Strong brew, cry, dear ones,Corner, candle, table, icons...

By the elbows to the steppe, the flocks are flyingMaybe they'll forgive...

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Стаи летят by Yanka Dyagileva. Or Стаи летят poem lyrics. Yanka Dyagileva Стаи летят text in English. Also can be known by title Stai letyat (Yanka Dyagileva) text. This page also contains a translation, and Stai letyat meaning.