Dyland y Lenny "Vivir sin ti" lyrics

Translation to:ensr

Vivir sin ti

Mr. WorldWideBea, Dyland y Lenny.

El que ama, sufreel que sufre, luchael que lucha, ganadale mi hermana.

I don't wanna close my eyes,I don't wanna fall asleep,Cause I'd miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing,Cause even when I dream of you,The sweetest dream would never do,I'd still miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing.

Let's go!I don't wanna miss a thingNo quiero perder ni un segundoYou're my everything, babyTu eres mi mundo.

I don't wanna miss a thingNo quiero perder ni un segundoYou're my everything, babyTu eres mi mundo.

Lenny.Hoy quiero volarAgárrate de míIr más allá (Ir más alláDe lo que pueda sentir.Puede que suene locoYo sin ti no puedo vivirNavegar poco a pocoHasta lograr conseguirY me digas "sin ti no puedo estar"Yo sin ti no puedo vivirMis ojos no quiero cerrarHay tanto por descubrir...

I don't wanna close my eyes,I don't wanna fall asleep,Cause I'd miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing,Cause even when I dream of you,The sweetest dream would never do,I'd still miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing...

Let's go!I don't wanna miss a thingNo quiero perder ni un segundoYou're my everything, babyTu eres mi mundo.

I don't wanna miss a thingNo quiero perder ni un segundoYou're my everything, babyTu eres mi mundo.

It's not the time we gotIt's what we do with the time we gotAnd I don't wanna miss a thingSo come over here little Miss Thing.

Y no dejes que la vida te vivaY vive la vida, ¿me entiendes?Yo he ganado poco, he perdido muchoYo entiendo lo que sientes.Pa'lante p'arribaYo siempre lo digo porque eso es la vidaDe nada algo, yo soy el ejemplo, yo soy la guilla.

El que ama, sufreel que sufre, luchael que lucha, ganadale mi hermana.Sana sana, culito de ranaSi no sana hoy, sana mañana.

I don't wanna close my eyes,I don't wanna fall asleep,Cause I'd miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing,Cause even when I dream of you,The sweetest dream would never do,I'd still miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing...

Let's go!I don't wanna miss a thingNo quiero perder ni un segundoYou're my everything, babyTu eres mi mundo.

I don't wanna miss a thingNo quiero perder ni un segundoYou're my everything, babyTu eres mi mundo.

To live without you

Mr. WorldWideBea, Dyland y Lenny

He who loves, suffershe who suffers, fightshe who fights, winsgive to him my sister

I don't wanna close my eyes,I don't wanna fall asleep,Cause I'd miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing,Cause even when I dream of you,The sweetest dream would never do,I'd still miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing.

Let's go!I don't wanna miss a thingI don't want to lose even a secondYou're my everything, babyYou are my world.

I don't wanna miss a thingI don't want to lose even a secondYou're my everything, babyYou are my world.

Lenny.Now I want to flyHold on tightTo go further away (To go further awayFrom what you can feel.It may sound crazyI cannot live without youTo sail little by littleUntil achievingAnd you say to me "I cannot be without you"I cannot live without youI don't want to close my eyesThere is so much to discover...

I don't wanna close my eyes,I don't wanna fall asleep,Cause I'd miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing,Cause even when I dream of you,The sweetest dream would never do,I'd still miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing...

Let's go!I don't wanna miss a thingI don't want to lose even a secondYou're my everything, babyYou are my world.

I don't wanna miss a thingI don't want to lose even a secondYou're my everything, babyYou are my world.

It's not the time we gotIt's what we do with the time we gotAnd I don't wanna miss a thingSo come over here little Miss Thing.

And don't leave the life you liveAnd live life, understand?I have won a little, I've lost a lotI understand how you feel.Go forward, upI always say it because that is the lifeSomething from nothing, I am the example, I stand out

He who loves, suffershe who suffers, fightshe who fights, winsgive to him my sisterHeal heal, little frog's buttIf you don't heal today, heal tomorrow.*

I don't wanna close my eyes,I don't wanna fall asleep,Cause I'd miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing,Cause even when I dream of you,The sweetest dream would never do,I'd still miss you babe,And I don't wanna miss a thing...

Let's go!I don't wanna miss a thingI don't want to lose even a secondYou're my everything, babyYou are my world.

I don't wanna miss a thingI don't want to lose even a secondYou're my everything, babyYou are my world.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Vivir sin ti by Dyland y Lenny. Or Vivir sin ti poem lyrics. Dyland y Lenny Vivir sin ti text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Vivir sin ti meaning.