Pagan Songs and Chants "Be Like A Bird" lyrics

Translation to:deesto

Be Like A Bird

Be like a birdWho halting in her flight on a limb too slightFeel it give way beneath herYet sings, singsKnowing she has wingsYet sings, singsKnowing she has wings

Ke Hoko 'O Hange Ko e Ha Manupuna

Ke hoko 'o hange ko e ha manupuna'A ia 'oku tuku 'i hono puna 'i ha konga kuo fu'u faingofua'O ne ongo'i 'i hono motu 'i lalo aiKae hiva, hiva ia'Ilo'i ia hono ma'u kapakauKae hiva, hiva ia'Ilo'i ia hono ma'u kapakau.

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Be Like A Bird by Pagan Songs and Chants. Or Be Like A Bird poem lyrics. Pagan Songs and Chants Be Like A Bird text.