Hamada Helal "Allah please forgive me" lyrics

Translation to:en

Allah please forgive me

wel7aya kanet ha2wa menetohte fehaseneen tawelamosh b2ede 3'asba 3anne

eshittan lama la2aneensa elda3eef 7'adne w3'awanewerga3t leek ya rab tannesam7ne ya rabbe lkareem

law kont enta ba3eed 3n rabbak2arrab wed3e wse2 b2albaksalle wbayen ellah 7obakwed3e y3'ferlak zanbak

fakkar tane w3eed 7esbatakshoft kam 3'alta kanet fe7yatakwest3'far 3la kol ma fatwznobak teb2a 7snatak

shoftak egeettohna feeha3n 7okok kanet 3alenawmn hl7aya ra7 na7'od ehh3'er emman wsalatna bena

Allah please forgive me

life was stronger than mei got lost in itfor many yearsit was out of my hands..(not under my control)

(couldnt understan this party)

devil when he founds mehe forgat the weak and took me with himand I returned to you my godforgive you u precious god

and if u are not close to godget closer and pray.. trust ur heartpray ang show god ur loveand bage him for forgivness

think again and count to tenlook how many miskates u didforgive ur self about everything had passedso ur mistakes will be ur goodness

ya allah ya alah...oh god oh god

i saw u came..we got lost in it 2rights that we were suposed to takebut from this life what will we take ?beside to beleive and prays to our self

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Allah please forgive me by Hamada Helal. Or Allah please forgive me poem lyrics. Hamada Helal Allah please forgive me text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Allah please forgive me meaning.