Elvana Gjata "Si une" lyrics

Translation to:elensr

Si une

I beja qefin vetesDhe mendoja se me doje ti,per ty u marrosa un.Si nje kujtim ti mbetee venitun jam tanibosh, do mebtet shpirti im

SI une, si unezemra ka met plas,dashni nu ke me pasedhe ti

E kujtoj une vetenSi e qmendur vija tek time merrej fryma, me dridhej trrupiun e di...si nje kujtim do mbeteshi embel dhe i hidhur, tiqe urreja me kam dashur me gjith shpirt

si une, si une...

Like me

I had funand I thought that you loved me,I went crazy for you.You've become a memoryI'm withered away nowMy soul will remain empty

Like me, like meyour heart will stop workingYou'll never have love againyou too

I remind myselfI used to come to you like a mad womanI was breathless, my body shiveredI know it...You will remain a memorythat is both bitter and sweet,one that I both hated and loved with my whole soul

Like me, like me...

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Si une by Elvana Gjata. Or Si une poem lyrics. Elvana Gjata Si une text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Si une meaning.