Sixto Rodriguez "Cause" lyrics

Translation to:esfrhrit


Cause I lost my jobtwo weeks before Christmas,and I talked to Jesus at the sewer,And the Pope saidit was none of his God-damned business,while the rain drank champagne.

My Estonian Archangel cameand got me wasted,'cause the sweetest kiss I ever gotis the one I've never tasted.Oh, but they'll taketheir bonus pay to Molly McDonald,neon ladies, beauty is that which obeys,is bought or borrowed.

Cause my heart's becomea crooked hotel full of rumours.But it's I who pays the rentfor these fingered-face out-of-tuners,and I make 16 solid half hour friendships,every evening.

'Cause your queen of heartswho is half a stone,and likes to laugh aloneis always threatening you with leaving.Oh, but they playthose token games on Willy Thompson.And give a medal to replacethe son of Mrs. Annie Johnson.

'Cause they told meeverybody's got to pay their dues.And I explained that I had overpaid them,so overdued I went to the company store,and the clerk there saidthat they had just been invaded,so I set sail in a teardropand escaped beneath the doorsill.

'Cause the smell of her perfumeechoes in my head still.'Cause I see my people trying to drown the sunin weekends of whiskey sours.'Cause how many times can you wake upin this comic book and plant flowers?


Jer sam izgubio posaoDva tjedna pred Božić,I pričao sam s Isusom kod kanalizacije,I Papa je rekao da se to njega prokleto ne tiče,Dok je kiša pila šampanjac.

Moj estonski arhanđeo došao jeI napio me ko stoku,Jer najslađi poljubac koji sam ikad dobioOnaj je koji nikad nisam okusio.Oh, ali oni će odnijetiSvoj dodatak na plaću kod Molly McDonald,Neonske dame, ljepota je ono što se pokorava,Kupuje ili posuđuje.

Jer moje je srce postaloPokvareni hotel pun glasina.Ali ja sam taj koji plaća stanarinuZa ove s prstima ispred lica što nemaju sluha,I stvorim 16 čvrstih polusatnih prijateljstava,Svake večeri.

Jer tvoja kraljica-srceKoja je napola od kamena,I voli se smijati samaUvijek ti prijeti odlaskom.Oh, ali oni igrajuOne igre na žetone kod Willyja Thompsona.I daju odlikovanje da zamijeniSina gđe Annie Johnson.

Jer rekli su mi daSvatko mora platiti svoje dugove.I objasnio sam da sam ih ja preplatioPa sam sa zakašnjenjem otišao u trgovinu tvrtke,I činovnik tamo je rekaoDa su upravo doživjeli invaziju,Pa sam odjedrio u suziI pobjegao ispod praga.

Jer miris njezinoga parfemaOdjekuje mi u glavi još uvijek.Jer vidim svoje ljude kako pokušavaju utopiti sunceU vikendima s viskijem s limunom.Jer koliko puta se možeš probuditiU ovome stripu i saditi cvijeće?

Here one can find the lyrics of the song Cause by Sixto Rodriguez. Or Cause poem lyrics. Sixto Rodriguez Cause text.