Doris Day "It's Magic" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:eshr

It's Magic

You sigh, the song begins, you speak and I hear violinsIt's magicThe stars desert the skies and rush to nestle in your eyesIt's magic

Without a golden wand or mystic charmsFantastic things begin when I am in your arms

When we walk hand-in-hand, the world becomes a wonderlandIt's magicHow else can I explain those rainbows when there is no rain?It's magic

Why do I tell myself these things that happen are all really trueWhen in my heart I know the magic is my love for you?

It's magic

It's magic

Why do I tell myself these things that happen are all really trueWhen in my heart I know the magic is my love for you?

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes It's Magic Song von Doris Day. Oder der Gedichttext It's Magic. Doris Day It's Magic Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Its Magic bekannt sein (Doris Day) Text.