Zeraphine "I'll Follow You" Songtext

I'll Follow You

Have you tried to climb the wall inside yourself?What did you see there at the top if your eyes were shut?A boundless chasm made of darkness, pain and fear?Are you afraid to raise your hands?Follow me

Can I ever melt the distance in your eyesThat keeps me far away from you?What means "safe" and what is real in your disguise?If you take the gory way to truth, I'll follow you

I'm getting closer, don't try to hide againThere's no shelter, we're all alone, so open your eyesSpread your arms and jump with me into the voidInto the sad reversal of youFollow me

Can I ever melt the distance in your eyesThat keeps me far away from you?What means "safe" and what is real in your disguise?If you take the gory way to truth, I'll follow you

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes I'll Follow You Song von Zeraphine. Oder der Gedichttext I'll Follow You. Zeraphine I'll Follow You Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Ill Follow You bekannt sein (Zeraphine) Text.