Hillsong Church "Here Now (Madness)" Songtext

Here Now (Madness)

Verse 1:Skies spin their dance within Your breathTime runs its race within Your handAnd my mind runs wild to comprehendWhat no mind on earth could understand

Chorus:Your ways are higherYour thoughts are wilderLove came like madnessPoured out in blood-wash romanceIt makes no sense but this is graceAnd I know You’re with me in this place

Bridge 1:Here nowAll I know is I know that You are here nowStill my heartLet Your voice be all I hear nowSpirit breatheLike the wind come have Your way('Cause I know You're in this place)

Verse 2:Faith makes a fool of what makes senseBut grace found my heart where logic endsWhen justice called for all my debtsThe friend of sinners came instead

Bridge 1:'Cause I know that You are here nowHeart and soulGod I know that You are here nowFix my eyes on the things that I can’t see nowAnd all I see is the glory of Your Name

Bridge 2:'Cause I know that You are here nowStill my heart let Your voice be all I hear nowFix my eyes on the things that I can't see nowSpirit breatheLike the wind come have Your way('Cause I know that You are here now)

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Here Now (Madness) Song von Hillsong Church. Oder der Gedichttext Here Now (Madness). Hillsong Church Here Now (Madness) Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Here Now Madness bekannt sein (Hillsong Church) Text.