Queens of the Stone Age "...Like Clockwork" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:el

...Like Clockwork

Everyone it seemsHas somewhere to goAnd the faster the world spinsThe shorter the lights will glow

And I'm swimming in the nightChasing down the moonThe deeper in the waterThe more I long for you

Most of what you see my dearIs purely for showBecauseNot everything that goes aroundComes back around, you know

Holding on too long is justA fear of letting goBecauseNot everything that goes aroundComes back around, you know

One thing that is clearIt's all down hillFrom here

The love line in your handCleverly disguisedAll the promises of stoneCrumble in the night

Most of what you see my dearIs worth letting goBecauseNot everything that goes aroundComes back around, you know

Holding on too long is justA fear of what's to showBecauseNot everything that goes aroundComes back around, you knowNot everything that goes aroundComes back around, you know

One thing that is clearIt's all down hillFrom here

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes ...Like Clockwork Song von Queens of the Stone Age. Oder der Gedichttext ...Like Clockwork. Queens of the Stone Age ...Like Clockwork Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Like Clockwork bekannt sein (Queens of the Stone Age) Text.