The Birthday Massacre "Sleepwalking" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:esfruk


Wait dearThe time is getting late hereI'm all washed upand graced with faint applauseDressed in a cheap facadeI'm looking for a place I'll never see again

A night turns to a dayA street I've never walked onI was never hereJust a faint reflectionA day turns to a monthA second of affectionI was never hereJust a faint reflection

FakingThere's nothing here worth takingJust my reflection fading on the wallNot the fairest one of allI'm looking for a place I'll never see again.

A night turns to a dayA street I've never walked onI was never hereJust a faint reflectionA day turns to a monthA second of affectionI was never hereJust a faint reflection

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Sleepwalking Song von The Birthday Massacre. Oder der Gedichttext Sleepwalking. The Birthday Massacre Sleepwalking Text.