AWOLNATION "Run (Beautiful Things)" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:it

Run (Beautiful Things)

I am a human being capable of doing beautiful thingsI am a human being capable of doing beautiful thingsI am a human being capable of doing beautiful thingsAnd I am a human being capable of doing these beautiful things

There's lightning striking all over the worldThere's lightning striking all over the worldThere's lightning striking all over the worldThere's lightning striking all over the world

I am a human being capable of doing beautiful thingsI am a human being capable of doing beautiful things


Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Run (Beautiful Things) Song von AWOLNATION. Oder der Gedichttext Run (Beautiful Things). AWOLNATION Run (Beautiful Things) Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Run Beautiful Things bekannt sein (AWOLNATION) Text.