Theatres des Vampires "Enthrone the Dark Angel" Songtext

Enthrone the Dark Angel

Night without moon... obscure clouds in the skywhispers from twilight... terror so fine!

Ancient omen of cursed agehell is coming on the Earth

Enthrone the dark angel... awaiting his arrivalborn in the candle of Thorns... drink blood and tears

Body without heartpale faded flowerwe pray the Horned Godwe pray the King of Hell

"Follow your sign... a cold moonfreezes my heart... a breath of horrorwhen I walk the dark path of Oblivion...the Lord awaits in its castle of perditionwhen I walk the dark path of Oblivion."

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Enthrone the Dark Angel Song von Theatres des Vampires. Oder der Gedichttext Enthrone the Dark Angel. Theatres des Vampires Enthrone the Dark Angel Text.