Chris Isaak "Funeral In The Rain" Songtext

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Funeral In The Rain

I wait, too long, I'll die, If I'm alone.I wait, too shy, love dies, I'm alone to cry.I'm walking, I keep on walking down the street.I'm watching, I keep on searching every face I meet.I loved her but now I've lost her, loves in vain.I watch a funeral in the rain.I'm walking, I keep on walking around the world.I'm talking, I keep on talking about a girl.I loved her but now I've lost her, loves in vain.I watch a funeral in the rain.I watch a funeral in the rain.All the world, knows the girl.All the world, knows she's gone.She's gone... She's gone...I'm walking, I keep on walking around the clock.They're watching, they keep talking let them talk.I loved her but now I've lost her, loves in vain.I watch a funeral in the rain.I watch a funeral in the rain.I watch a funeral in the rain.She's gone...She's gone...She's gone...She's gone...

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Funeral In The Rain Song von Chris Isaak. Oder der Gedichttext Funeral In The Rain. Chris Isaak Funeral In The Rain Text.