Van Morrison "Philosopher's Stone" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:ar

Philosopher's Stone

Out on the highways and the by-ways all aloneI'm still searching for, searching for my homeUp in the morning, up in the morning out on the roadAnd my head is aching and my hands are cold

And I'm looking for the silver liningSilver lining in the clouds and I'm searching forAnd I'm searching for the philosophers stone

And it's a hard road, it's a hard road daddy-oWhen my job is turning lead into goldHe was born in the back streetBorn in the back street Jelly Roll

I'm on the road again and I'm searching forThe philosophers stoneCan you hear that engine?

Woe, can you hear that engine drone?Well, I'm on the road again and I'm searching forSearching for the philosophers stone

Up in the morning, up in the morningWhen the streets are white with snowIt's a hard road, it's a hard road daddy-o

Up in the morning, up in the morningOut on the job, well, you've got me searching forSearching for, the philosophers stone

Even my best friendsEven my best friends they don't knowThat my job is turning lead into gold

When you hear that engineWhen you hear that engine droneI'm on the road again and I'm searching forThe philosophers stone

It's a hard road, even my best friends they don't know

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Philosopher's Stone Song von Van Morrison. Oder der Gedichttext Philosopher's Stone. Van Morrison Philosopher's Stone Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Philosophers Stone bekannt sein (Van Morrison) Text.