Lacuna Coil "You Love Me 'Cause I Hate You" Songtext

You Love Me 'Cause I Hate You

I'm back in my houseAnd you're still sitting downThe crimson couchHas never felt so uncomfortableAnd the room is so cold

The tape on your mouthIs slowing your breath downThe rope is still tightThe tension becomes so tangible (so tangible)So unbearable, so unbearable

You love me 'cause I hate you(Everything but love)You love me 'cause I hate you(Everything but love)

I'm sorry if I crossed the lineI know I've lost it butYou are always on my mindObsessed with you and meTo love is harder than you think

I'm sorry if I raise my voiceI never meant to hurt youBut I had no choiceDon't ever lie to me'Cause I am smarter than you think

You love me 'cause I hate you(Everything but love)You love me 'cause I hate you(Everything but love)

There's no running awayThere's no guilt and no shameI've crossed the lineIs this the end?There's no running awayEven if you're afraidI'll make you mineUntil the end

You love me 'cause I hate you(Everything but love)You love me 'cause I hate you(Everything but love)

There's no running awayThere's no guilt and no shameI've crossed the lineIs this the end?(You love me 'cause I hate you)'Cause no running awayEven if you're afraidI'll make you mineUntil the end

You love me 'cause I hate you

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