Hilary Duff "Who's That Girl?" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:elesfafritsr

Who's That Girl?

There were places we would go at midnightThere were secrets that nobody else would knowThere's a reason but I don't know whyI don't know why, I don't know whyI thought they all belonged to me

(Chorus)Who's that girl? Where's she from?No, she can't be the oneThat you wantThat has stolen my worldIt's not real, it's not rightIt's my day, it's my nightBy the way, who's that girlLiving my life?

Seems like everything's the same around meThen I look again and everything is changedI'm not dreaming so I don't know whyI don't know why, I don't know whyShe's everywhere I wanna be


I'm the one who made you laughWho made you feel, who made you sadI'm not sorryFor what we didFor who we wereI'm not sorryI'm not her


Oh, no, living my life

Who's That Girl?

اونجا جاهاى داشت كە نیمەشب براشون بریمرازهایى جوحود داشتن كە هیچ شخص دیگەاى اونا رو نمیدونەدلیلى هست ولى نمیدونم چرانمیدونم چرا ، نمیدونم چرافك میكردم همە اونا بە من تعلق داشتن

(Chorus)این دخر كیە ؟ از كجا اومدە ؟نا ، اون نمیتونە یكى باشەكە تو میخواىكە دنیاى منو دزیدەاین حقیقت نیست ، این درست نیستاین روزى منە ، این شبى منەضمنا ، این دخر كیەزندگیمو زندە میكنە ؟

انگار همەچى دور من میگردەوقتى دوبارە نگا میكنم همە چى تغیر كردەمن زیادى خواب نمیبینم نمیدونم چرانمیدونم چرا ، نمیدونم چرااون هر جای هست كە من میخوام باشم


من اونى هستم كە تو رو بە خندەاورداونى كارى كرد حس كنى ، كە كارى كرد دلتنگ باشىمن متاسف نیستمبراى اینكە انجامش دادیمبراى انكە كى بودیممن متاسف نیستممن اون نیستم


او ،نا ،زندگیمو زندە میكنە

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