LMFAO "Lil' Hipster Girl" Songtext

Lil' Hipster Girl

Uh, check it out1, 2, 3In the place to beAs it is plain to see

Rock shit, grab my dickWalk up in, banana splitYes shirt, yellow, purpleBodies rocking in the circleI gots to show some love at the AM ladies in the placeI say, "What up?", he said, "Oh, yeah" and then I see her face

She's the cutest I've ever seen in my life, my lifeThe way she clicked her heels and threw her fist in the sky, too tight

Drink mode, freak modeTakin' a seat is obsolete-lete-lete-leteFreak a nice booty to the beat, beat, beatTwo step, bump 'n' grind, fancy footwork all the timeI break dance in this placeBack spin, ohsThat's when I see her face

Uh, check it out1, 2, 3In the place to beAs it is plain to see

She's the cutest I've ever seen in my life, my lifeThe way she clicked her heels and threw her fist in the sky, too tight

She's the cutest thing in the worldShe's my lil' hipster girl [x3]

Uh, check it out1, 2, 3In the place to beAs it is plain to seeHe is DJ RedAnd I am DCFunky fresh from 1983DJ Jam Master Jayinside the place with all the bitchHe leaves without a traceAnd he came here tonight to get on your caseAnd we are the krush groovingAnd the record pick itAnd it goes a little something like this

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