High Velocity Impact Spatter
ClimbingHeights unimagined unattainedTo drop bodies from the skyFallingAlive in mid air moving fastHeads exploding on the groundThrowingCorrupted souls in front of trainsJust to watch the bodies flyGrinningAt the site of shredded innardsBrains exploded all around
High velocity impact spatterHigh velocity impact spatterHigh velocity impact spatterHigh velocity impact spatter
SlammingYou into walls excessive speedCreates catastrophic soundsScrapingFresh blood and guts from off the pavementBefore stench of death sets inPiercingBetween the eyes and unexpectedLiquid red spraying behindKillingImpact spatter brutal forceSomething I will always need
High velocity impact spatterHigh velocity impact spatterHigh velocity impact spatterHigh velocity impact spatter
High velocity impact spatterHigh velocity impact spatter
A necro potion is madeFrom the remains of the dead
Daily ritual intakeDrinking remains of the dead
Death after life after deathOnly obtained in one way
High velocity impact spatterHigh