Arcade Fire "Speaking In Tongues" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:sq

Speaking In Tongues

Hypocrite reader,My double, my brotherYour daddy really took it out of youBut did he speak it in tongues?But did he speak it in tongues?

Sneaking out the windows nowYou've got the spirit now

Hypocrite reader,My double, my brotherWhere did we lose our way?It's like we're speaking in tonguesIt's like we're speaking in tongues

Sneaking out the windows now

You've got the spirit nowYou've got the spirit nowYou've got the spirit now

Hypocrite reader,My double, my brotherNow I can't understand a wordNow you're speaking in tongues(Speaking in tongues)Now you're speaking in tongues(Speaking in tongues)Now you're speaking in tongues(Speaking in tongues)Now you're speaking in tongues(Speaking in tongues)

Come out of your headAnd into my world nowCome out of your headAnd into my world, my world, my world now

(Speaking in tongues)

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Speaking In Tongues Song von Arcade Fire. Oder der Gedichttext Speaking In Tongues. Arcade Fire Speaking In Tongues Text.