Bad Boys Blue "Don't let me go" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:sr

Don't let me go

A lonely avenue - it's raining in my heartNo name no number girl - how can I try a start without you girlI'm lonely as a cloud - oh when your love falls downYou'll make the sun keep shining - oh when you're just around, oh I knowAnd whatever will be, I promise you love, forever my love

Don't let me go, little darlingOh no no no no no, little darling, I miss youDon't let him know, little darlingOh no no no no no, little darlingThat I'm so in love with youOh babe I'll never let you goWe're flying high, we're flying lowOh babe there's one thing you should knowOh I'll never let you go, oh

And when the sun goes down, my world is in your handsOur silver clouds we'll fly, just to the rainbow's end, you and IOnly my shadow knows, love is on my sideI fly around the moon, only to hold you tight, only youAnd whatever will be, I promise you love, forever my love

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