Don Moen "I offer my life" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:frmn

I offer my life

I Offer My Life

All that I am all that I haveI lay them down before You o LordAll my regrets all my acclaimThe joy and the painI'm making them Yours

ChorusLord I offer my life to YouEverything I've been throughUse it for Your gloryLord I offer my days to YouLifting my praise to YouAs a pleasing sacrificeLord I offer You my life

Things in the past things yet unseenWishes and dreams that are yet to come trueAll of my hopes all of my plansMy heart and my hands are lifted to You

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes I offer my life Song von Don Moen. Oder der Gedichttext I offer my life. Don Moen I offer my life Text.