Sandra "Stop For A Minute" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:hu

Stop For A Minute

I will tryI will tryNot to lose my ownIf you cryThat secret down

Open up your eyes againEven you can tryDon't you thinkYou toil in vainWhat have you come to be, to be now?

Stop for a minuteYou better changeYour heart in timeStop for a minuteYou can believe that part of mineI'll be protectin' youFrom what you run intoIf you will hold onStop for a minute

I relyI rely on my chance to knowYou and ICould feel as once

Open up and start againAn' take a look aroundDon't you see what I have meantWhat have you come to be, to be now?

Stop for a minute...

And what is left to youWhere are you goin' toThat sorrow in your lifeWhat did you come to be now?

Stop for a minute...

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Stop For A Minute Song von Sandra. Oder der Gedichttext Stop For A Minute. Sandra Stop For A Minute Text.