Ke$ha "F**k Him He's a DJ" Songtext

F**k Him He's a DJ

Drop thisDrop thisDrop drop this this this thisDrop thisDrop thisDrop drop this track

He's a stereotypeHe's got the baseball capAnd he's building the hypeAs he's feeding me this hot trackOh, he's feeding me this hot trackOh oh

You see we share the same guyWith that same loadI never wanna stopI don't wanna give him upNah, I don't wanna give him upNah nah

I I I I am losing timeAs you're feeding me this hot trackI I I know what I've got onMy mind

Fuck him he's a DJAll night long he's got the beatFuck him he's a DJHe playing that song it works for meFuck him he's a DJAll night long he's got the beatFuck him he's a DJHe playing that song it works for me

Now he's loving me upWith the bassline phatIt's an aphrodisiacJust watching you like thatOh, just watching you like thatOh oh

I I I I am losing timeAs you're feeding me this hot trackI I I know what I've got onMy mind

Fuck him he's a DJAll night long he's got the beatFuck him he's a DJHe playing that song it works for meFuck him he's a DJAll night long he's got the beatFuck him he's a DJHe playing that song it works for me

HmmDrop this trackDrop this track (for me)Ah ha ha haAh ha ha haAh ha ha haAh ha ha ha

Fuck him he's a DJAll night long he's got the beatFuck him he's a DJHe playing that song it works for meFuck him he's a DJAll night long he's got the beatFuck him he's a DJHe playing that song it works for meFuck him he's a DJ

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes F**k Him He's a DJ Song von Ke$ha. Oder der Gedichttext F**k Him He's a DJ. Ke$ha F**k Him He's a DJ Text. Kann auch unter dem Titel Fk Him Hes a DJ bekannt sein (Keha) Text.