Slipknot "Eeyeore" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:frsr


Meet the man that made meGreet the can that I came fromOh the fucking sacred heart of JesusBlew it in the back roomFeelin' like a real goonSlam the fuck aside, manI'm on - you're not

I am the great big mouth

Good riddance - though I'm sad to sayI didn't get to kill youRhetoric - Better look both waysI gotta get an arm throughStainWhat the fuck is up? Get the fuck awayRun if you want toInnocent? You're a guilty conscienceLaugh last - break throughStain

Prepare you fucker

I don't give a shit, bitchI don't give a fuck, bitchI don't understand, bitchYou don't matterI don't give a fuck, manI don't give a shit, manI don't really care, manI'm the super sized man

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Eeyeore Song von Slipknot. Oder der Gedichttext Eeyeore. Slipknot Eeyeore Text.