Lady Gaga "Manifesto of Mother Monster" Songtext

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Manifesto of Mother Monster

"This is the manifesto of Mother MonsterOn G.O.A.T, a government-owned alien territory and spaceA birth of magnificent and magical proportions took placeBut the birth was not finiteIt was infiniteAs the womb slumberedAnd the mitosis of the future beganIt was perceived that this infamous moment in life is not temporalIt is eternalAnd thus began the beginning of the new raceA race within the race of humanityA race which bares no prejudiceNo judgement, but boundless freedomBut on that same dayAs the eternal mother hovered in the multiverseAnother more terrifying birth took placeThe birth of evilAnd as she herself split into twoRotating in agony between two ultimate forcesThe pendulum of joice began its danceIt seems easy to imagineTo gravitate instantly and unwaveringly towards goodBut she wondered:How can I protect something so perfect without evil?"

Hier finden Sie den Text des Liedes Manifesto of Mother Monster Song von Lady Gaga. Oder der Gedichttext Manifesto of Mother Monster. Lady Gaga Manifesto of Mother Monster Text.