Lady Gaga "Fooled Me Again, Honest Eyes" Songtext

Übersetzung nach:fifrpt

Fooled Me Again, Honest Eyes

See the lonely girlOut on the weekendTryin to make it payShe cant relate to joy, ohhShe tries to speak itCant begin to say

The boy fooled me againOh oh he loves me all upBut I'm so down todaySee the lonely girlIn Hollywood on the weekendTry to make it pay

Its been a hard dayHarder nightThe rockstars girlfriendShe lost the fightWell its alright babyI'm nobodys motherBut I dont want this last cigarette to be over

You fooled me againFooled me againWith yourHonest honest honest eyesAgain fooled me againWith your dirty mouthFull of honest liesUh ohAgain oh when you fooled me again Oh yeahYou're so honestFull of shhhHonest eyes

Its been two daysSince he left homeShe dried her eyesPicked up her microphoneShe sang, its alright babyI'm nobodys motherJust dont want this lastcigarette to be over, you know

You fooled me againFooled me againWith your honestHonest honest eyesAgain fooled me againWith your dirty mouthFull of dirty liesAgain oh whenYou fooled me againOh yeahYou're so honestFull of shhhHonest eyes

You fooled me againFooled me againWith your honestHonest honest eyesAgain, fooled me againWith you dirty mouthfull of thoes rust out New York liesAgain oh when you fooled me again Oh baby yeahYoure so full of itAt least your honest eyeeyeeyeeyeeyeyesAgain honest honestyou're so freakin honestna na nana na na nananananayou're so full of itat least your honestEyes


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