David Bowie "Let's Spend the Night Together" testo

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Let's Spend the Night Together

Well don't you worry 'bout what's been on my mindI'm in no hurry, I can take my timeI'm going red and my tongue's getting tiredI'm off my head and my mouth's getting dry, I'm high

Let's spend the night togetherNow I need you more than everLet's spend the night together now

I feel so strong that I can't disguise, oh myBut I just can't apologise, noDon't hang me up, but don't let me downWe could have fun just a-groovin' around and around

Let's spend the night togetherNow I need you more than everLet's spend the night together now

You know I'm smiling babyYou need some guiding babyI'm just deciding baby

Let's spend the night togetherNow I need you more than everLet's spend the night together now

This doesn't happen to me every dayNo excuses I've got anywayI'll satisfy your every needAnd now I know you'll satisfy me

Let's spend the night togetherNow I need you more than everLet's spend the night together

They said we were too youngOur kind of love was no funBut our love comes from aboveDo it! Let's make love!

Let's spend the night togetherNow I need you more than everLet's spend the night together now

Preživiva to noč skupaj

Ne skrbi, kar je v mojih mislihne mudi se mi, lahko si vzamem čas.Postajam rdeč in jezik se mi suši,sem ven iz glave, in usta mam suha.

Preživiva skupaj to noč,potrebujem te bolj, kot nekoč,preživiva sedaj skupaj to noč.

Počutim se močan, da ne zgledam tak, moj Bog,nimam opravičila za to,ne zavrzi me, ne pusti me,lahko se zabavava, ko okrog tavava.

Preživiva skupaj to noč,potrebujem te bolj kot nekoč,preživiva sedaj skupaj to noč.

Veš, da se smejem, draga,potrebuješ nekoga, ki te vodi, draga,samo odločam se, draga.

Preživiva skupaj to noč,potrebujem te bolj, kot nekoč,preživiva sedaj skupaj to noč.

To se mi ne dogaja vsak dan,nobenega opravičila nimam za to,vsako tvojo potrebo bom zadovoljilin vem, da boš mene zadovoljila ti.

Preživiva skupaj to noč,potrebujem te bolj kot nekoč,preživiva sedaj skupaj to noč.

Pravijo, da sva premlada bila,ta ljubezen ni zabavna bila,a najina ljubezen pride z neba,Dajva, zakaj se ne bi ljubila?

Preživiva skupaj to noč,potrebujem te bolj kot nekoč,preživiva sedaj skupaj to noč.

Qui è possibile trovare il testo della canzone Let's Spend the Night Together di David Bowie. O il testo della poesie Let's Spend the Night Together. David Bowie Let's Spend the Night Together testo. Può anche essere conosciuto per titolo Lets Spend the Night Together (David Bowie) testo.