Blink-182 "I Won't Be Home For Christmas" paroles

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I Won't Be Home For Christmas

(Deck the halls with boughs of holly fa la la la la la la la la)('Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la la la la la)

Outside the carolers start to singI can't describe the joy they bringCause joy is something they don't bring me

My girlfriend is by my sideFrom the roof are hanging sickles of iceTheir whiny voices get irritatingIt's Christmas time again

So I stand with a dead smile on my faceWondering how much of my time they'll wasteOh god I hate these Satan's helpers

And then I guess I must've snappedBecause I grabbed a baseball batAnd made them all run for shelter

It's Christmas time againIt's time to be nice to the people you can't stand all yearI'm growing tired of all this Christmas cheerYou people scare mePlease stay away from my homeIf you don't wanna get beat downJust leave the presents and then leave me alone

Well I guess it's not cool to freak on Christmas EveCause the cops came and arrested meThey had an unfair advantage

And even though the jail didn't have a treeChristmas came a night earlyCause a guy named Bubba unwrapped my package (hot damn)

It's Christmas time againIt's time to be nice to the people you can't stand all yearI'm growing tired of all this Christmas cheerYou people scare mePlease stay away from my homeIf you don't wanna get beat downJust leave the presents and then leave me alone

I won't be homeI won't be home for ChristmasI won't be homeI won't be home for Christmas (please post my bail)I won't be homeI won't be home for Christmas (please post my bail)I won't be homeI won't be home for Christmas (please post my bail)I won't be homeI won't be home for Christmas (please post my bail)I won't be homeI won't be home for Christmas

Neću Biti Kući Za Božić

Neću Biti Kući Za Božić ---- Napolju ulični pevači počinju da pevajuNe mogu da objasnim kakvu radost oni donoseJer je radost nešto što ne donose meniDevojka je pored meneSa krova vise ledeniceNjihovi cmizdravi glasovi postaju iritantniBožićno vreme je ponovoTako da stojim sa mrtvim osmehom na svom licuPitajući se koliko će mi vremena potrošitiO Bože, mrzim ove Sotonine pomagačeI onda verujem da sam popizdeoJer sam uzeo bejzbol palicuI naterao ih da trče u zaklonBožićno je vreme, ponovoVreme je biti fin prema ljudima koje ne podnosiš čitave godineUmaram od svog ovog Božićnog veseljaLjudi, plašite meMolim vas da se sklonite of moje kućeAko ne želite da budete prebijeniSamo ostavite poklone i onda ostavite i mene na miruPa, verujem da nije kul ludovati za Badnje VečeJer su pajkani došli i uhapsili meImali su nepravednu prednostI iako zatvor nije imao jelkuBožić je došao veče unapredJer je lik zvani Bubba otvorio moj paketNeču biti kući, neću biti kući za Božić,Molim vas da mi položite kauciju

Ici on peut trouver les paroles de la chanson I Won't Be Home For Christmas de Blink-182. Ou les paroles du poème I Won't Be Home For Christmas. Blink-182 I Won't Be Home For Christmas texte. Peut également être connu par son titre I Wont Be Home For Christmas (Blink-182) texte.