Bring Me the Horizon "Oh no" letra

Traducción al:elfihuitrorutr

Oh no

You don't have to lie, I know exactly where you've beenCause you're chewing off my ear while you're chewing on your chin

No we're not on the level, you're just off your faceIt's not a state of mind though, your head's just in a stateI may be on the outside but you're empty withinIt's getting kind of old now, I think it's time to pack it in

Don't call it a party cause it never stopsNow one is too many but it's never enoughDon't tell me you're happy cause this isn't loveSo be careful what you wish forSo be careful what you wish for

Who you're trying to fool, you know you're in over your headCause you're holding onto heaven but you're hanging by a thread

No we're not on the level, you're just off your faceIt's not a state of mind though, your head's just in a stateI may be on the outside but you're empty withinIt's getting kind of old now, I think it's time to pack it in

Don't call it a party cause it never stopsNow one is too many but it's never enoughDon't tell me you're happy cause this isn't loveSo be careful what you wish forSo be careful what you wish for

Don't call it a party cause it never stopsNow one is too many but it's never enoughDon't tell me you're happy cause this isn't loveSo be careful what you wish for

Don't call it a party cause it never stopsNow one is too many but it's never enoughDon't tell me you're happy cause this isn't loveSo be careful what you wish for

Don't call it a party cause it never stopsNow one is too many but it's never enoughDon't tell me you're happy cause this isn't loveSo be careful what you wish for

Oh nu

Nu trebuie sa minti, stiu exact pe unde ai umblatPentru ca vorbesti prea mult, in timp ce iti freci barbia

Nu, nu suntem pe acelasi nivel, esti doat nebunaNu e o stare de spirit totusi, capul tau e doar intr-un stadiuPoate ca oi fi eu gol pe dinafara dar tu esti gaola pe DinauntruPovestea se invecheste, cred ca e timpul sa impachetezNu spune ca e o petrecere pentru ca nu se opreste NiciodataAcum chiar si unul e prea mult, dar nu e niciodata de ajunsNu-mi spune ca esti fericit pentru ca asta nu e dragosteAsa ca ai grija ce-ti dorestiAsa ca ai grija ce-ti dorestiPe cine incerci sa prostesti, stii ca ati terminat o in capul tauPentru ca astepti sa ajungi in rai, dar esti amenintat{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}{\\}

Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción Oh no de Bring Me the Horizon. O la letra del poema Oh no. Bring Me the Horizon Oh no texto.