David Bowie "Eight Line Poem" letra

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Eight Line Poem

Tactful cactus by your windowSurveys the prairie of your roomMobile spins to its collisionClara puts her head between her pawsThey've opened shops down west sideWill all the cacti find a homeBut the key to the cityIs in the sun that pins the branches to the sky

Pesma od osam redova

Taktični kaktus pored tvog prozoraSagledava preriju tvoje sobePokretano se okreće do svog sudaraKlara stavlja glavu izneđu njenih šapaOtvorili su prodavnice duž West side-aHoće li svi kaktusi naći domAli ključ gradaJe u suncu koje kači grane ka nebu

Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción Eight Line Poem de David Bowie. O la letra del poema Eight Line Poem. David Bowie Eight Line Poem texto.