No Name "Aké by to bolo" lyrics

Translation to:en

Aké by to bolo

Ja viem o ľuďoch že sú besní,hlavne keď cítiaže dochádza im para.Život a smrť je rozdiel tesnýkaždý sa trasiekedy mu končí čiara.

Navrhujem doprajme si pokojaveď nič sa nechytá na slovo kľud.Nech sa naše ženy a dcéry nebojaveď sme iba obyčajný ľud.

Milujem pohľad, keď sa trasúkeď im hrozíže dozvieme sa kto súGratulujem vám pánisami na seba ste nabrúsili kosu

Navrhujem poďme spolu niekamkde kosou nekosí sa iba trávakde každý nosí na krku niečoU mňa je to mozogmozog a nie hlava

Iba si pomyslím aké by to boloa aké dobré by to mohlo byťkeby sa staral každý sám o sebaaby tí druhí mohli len tak žiťNavrhujem doprajme si pokojaveď nič sa nechytá na slovo kľudNech sa naše ženy a dcéry nebojaslnko svieti pre všetkých

What it would be like

I know about people that they're crazyEspecially when they feelThat their vapour comes to the endThere's tight difference between life and deathEveryone shakes1when their line ends

I suggest having hushNothing catchs to the word calmMay our wifes and daughters aren't afraidWe are just ordinary people

I love the look when they shakewhen menacethat we'll find out who they areCongratulations, sirsYou have scarpened scythe on yourselves by yourselves2

I suggest-let's go somewhere togetherWhere isn't just grass mowed by scythewhere everyone wears something on necksIn my case it's brainBrain and not head

I just imagine what it would be likeand how good could it bewhen everyone looked after theirselves3may the others could just liveI suggest having hushNothing catchs to the word calmMay our wifes and daughters aren't afraidSun shines for each of us

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Aké by to bolo by No Name. Or Aké by to bolo poem lyrics. No Name Aké by to bolo text in English. Also can be known by title Ake by to bolo (No Name) text. This page also contains a translation, and Ake by to bolo meaning.