Manel "Al mar!" lyrics

Translation to:enesitpt

Al mar!

Tu i jo hem sopat en bons restaurants,tu i jo hem ballat a la llum d'un fanal,tu i jo volàvem en un Ford Fiesta groc,tu i jo hem cantat a la vora del foc,tu i jo hem buscat coses similars,tu i jo hem tingut el cap ple de pardals,tu i jo a dalt la noria,tu i jo i la nostra història,però tu i jo no ens hem banyat mai al mar,al mar, al maral mar, al maral mar, al maral mar.

Plantem les tovalloles, convido a un gelat,juguem a pala grega, esquivem passejants.A l'horitzó es divisen les velesd'uns nens que fan optimist a la cala del costat.Dormo una estona, ara que bufa la mar,així estirada se't veu espectacular:llarga i blanqueta a la sorra llegintintrigues vaticanes de final inesperat-és abusiva, tanta calor-t'incorpores i et poses bé el banyador,amb el peu calcules com està l'aiguai tot està llest per tal que entrem al mar,al mar, al maral mar, al maral mar, al maral mar.

Així doncs, si un dia véns i passes per aquí,i si, malgrat la feina, trobem un matí,no em perdonaria mai, no podria assumir,no afagar-te amb la moto i que no féssim camí,molt lluny d'aquí, a l'altra banda del món,hi ha un xiringuito amb quatre pins al fons,tu i jo asseguts a la barra d'un bar,sona bona música i som davant del mar,al mar, al maral mar, al maral mar, al maral mar.

To the Sea!

You and I have eaten at good restaurants,you and I have danced in the light of a lamp post,you and I flew around in a yellow Ford Fiesta,you and I have sung beside a fire,you and I have sought similar things,you and I have had a head full of sparrows,you and I atop the ferris wheel,you and I and our history,but you and I've never bathed in the sea, the sea, the sea.

We plant our towels, I invite you to an ice cream,we play [a game with a ball and paddles], we dodge walkers-by.On the horizon, you can see the sailsof some kids who play "optimist" in the cove.I sleep a little while, now that the sea is blowing,All stretched out you look spectacular:Long and white in the sand, readingan intriguing story with an unexpected end-this heat is insufferable-You put yourself together and fix your swimsuit,with your foot you judge how the water isand everything is ready for us to enter the sea.

So if a day comes and passes by here,and if, despite work, we find a morning,I wouldn't forgive it any longer, I wouldn't think ofnot picking you up with my motorcycle and and going that way,really far from here, to the other side of the world,there's a xiringuito (beach bar) with four pines in back,you and I sitting at the counter of the bar,good music's playing and we're facing the sea.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Al mar! by Manel. Or Al mar! poem lyrics. Manel Al mar! text in English. Also can be known by title Al mar (Manel) text. This page also contains a translation, and Al mar meaning.