Victor Manuelle "Amor de Madre" lyrics

Translation to:en

Amor de Madre

Lyrics to Amor De Madre :Fue la primera voz q susurró mi nombre,fue la primera mano que rozó mi piel,percibí su ternura, aún estando en su vientre,sabía que me amaba antes de nacer.

Con espera y paciencia cuidaba mis brazos,y dejó de ser ella para ser para mí,mi dolor se calmaba si estaba en sus brazos,me abrigaba en su pecho y me hacía dormir.

Y ahora que ha pasado el tiempo y que he vivido tanto,es que puedo entender, que he tenido mil amoresy nada compara con esa mujer.

CoroAmor de madre,que no guarda rencor, que no olvida,que daría su alma y su vidasin duda ninguna, tan solo por mí.

Amor de madre,el que sufre cuando estoy sufriendo,el que sabe lo que estoy sintiendo,el más puro que pueda existir.

Hoy quiero que escuches algo que quiero decir...que mi canto es para TI.

Hoy te veo cansada, talvez por los añoshoy yo veo en tus ojos que aún crees en amory si hago algo malo, nunca falta un regaño,para ti soy un niño que nunca creció.

Y ahora que ha pasado el tiempo y que he vivido tanto,es que puedo entender, que he tenido mil amoresy nada compara con esa mujer.

CoroAmor de madre,que no guarda rencor, que no olvida,que daría su alma y su vidasin duda ninguna, tan solo por mí.

Amor de madre,el que sufre si me ve sufriendo,el que sabe lo que estoy sintiendo,el más puro que pueda existir.

Hoy quiero que escuches algo que quiero decir...que mi canto es para TI.

Hoy quiero que escuches algo que quiero decir...que mi canto es para TI.

A mother's love

It was the first voice that whispered my name,It was the first hand that touched my skin,I perceived her tenderness, while I was still in her womb,I knew she loved me before even being born.

Patiently, she took care of my arms,And she ceased being her, for me,My pain was eased if I was in her arms,She wrapped me up tight to her breast and made me fall asleep.

And now that time has passed and I have lived so much,I can understand that I have had thousands of lovesYet no one compares to (the love for) this woman.

ChorusA mother's love,Doesn't hold resentments, doesn't forgetShe would give her soul, her lifeWithout a doubt, just for me.

A mother's love,The person who suffers when I suffer,The one who knows exactly what I feel,The purest thing on earth.

Today, I want you to listen to what I want to say...Because my song is for YOU.

I see you tired today, maybe the years have left their markI can see in your eyes that you still believe in loveAnd if I do something wrong, you never miss giving me a lectureTo you, I'm still a child who never grew up.

And now that time has passed and I have lived so much,I can understand that I have had thousands of lovesYet no one compares to (the love for) this woman.

ChorusA mother's love,Doesn't hold resentments, doesn't forgetShe would give her soul, her lifeWithout a doubt, just for me.

A mother's love,The person who suffers when I suffer,The one who knows exactly what I feel,The purest thing on earth.

Today, I want you to listen to what I want to say...Because my song is for YOU.

Today, I want you to listen to what I want to say...Because my song is for YOU.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Amor de Madre by Victor Manuelle. Or Amor de Madre poem lyrics. Victor Manuelle Amor de Madre text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Amor de Madre meaning.