Gigliola Cinquetti "Cuando me enamoro" lyrics

Translation to:en

Cuando me enamoro

Dicen que no sabré buscarte floresQue no podré ofrecerte ningún regaloDicen que no hay espinas en nuestras vidasY que mi corazón no siente amoresPero no es verdad, y tú lo sabes;Tú me conoces bien, y cuando...

Cuando me enamoro doy toda mi vidaA quién se enamora de miY no existe nadie que pueda alejarmeY cambiar consiga mi amor

Dicen que del amor nació la vidaY yo a la vida ofrezco mi amor sinceroYo quiero ser feliz contigo siempreTodos comprenderán que cuando...

Cuando me enamoro doy toda mi vidaA quién se enamora de miY no existe nadie que pueda alejarmeY cambiar consiga mi amor

Cuando me enamoro doy toda mi vidaA quién se enamora de miY no existe nadie que pueda alejarmeY cambiar consiga mi amor

When I fall in love

They say I won't know how to find you flowersThat I won't be able to offer you any giftThey say there are no thorns in our lifesAnd that my heart doesn't feel lovesBut that isn't true, and you know it;You know me well, and when...

When I fall in love I give my whole lifeTo the one who falls in love with meAnd there's anybody that can move me awayAnd gets to change my love

They say from the love the life was bornAnd I to the life offer my sincere loveI want to be happy with you foreverEveryone will understand when...

When I fall in love I give my whole lifeTo the one who falls in love with meAnd there's anybody that can move me awayAnd gets to change my love

When I fall in love I give my whole lifeTo the one who falls in love with meAnd there's anybody that can move me awayAnd gets to change my love

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Cuando me enamoro by Gigliola Cinquetti. Or Cuando me enamoro poem lyrics. Gigliola Cinquetti Cuando me enamoro text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Cuando me enamoro meaning.