Sergej Ćetković "Reci Da" lyrics

Translation to:enru

Reci Da

Ne govori ništa,pusti neka oči napišupo tišini k’o po platnu svaku riječ.

Prošli mi smo pola svijeta,dobrog, a i lošeg bilo je,al’ samo ti si znala moje tajne sve.

Kad se duša kao nebo otkrije,ni sa jednom ne bih bio radije,kao sa tobom, kao sa tobom.

Samo reci da, reci da ćeš biti jedina,ova duša samo tebi pripada,u dobru i u zlu.

Reci da, pa da ovo srce zaigra,Kao prvi put na tvojim usnama.Budi moja, budi tu, do kraja vremena.

Ne govori ništa,pusti da te ljubim jedina,nek te ove moje ruke zagrle,prošli mi smo pola svijeta,dobrog, a i lošeg bilo je,al’ samo ti si znala moje tajne sve.

Kad se duša kao nebo otkrije,ni sa jednom ne bih bio radije,kao sa tobom, kao sa tobom.

Samo reci da, reci da ćeš biti jedina,ova duša samo tebi pripada,u dobru i u zlu.

Reci da, pa da ovo srce zaigra,kao prvi put na tvojim usnama.Budi moja, budi tu, do kraja vremena.

Kad se duša kao nebo otkrije,ni sa jednom ne bih bio radije,kao sa tobom, kao sa tobom.

(Reci da, reci da ćeš biti jedinaOva duša samo tebi pripada)

Reci da, pa da ovo srce zaigra,kao prvi put na tvojim usnama.Budi moja, do kraja vremena.

Say: 'Yes'

Don't say anythinglet the eyes write every wordon the silence, like as on the canvas.

We passed half of the world,there were good and bad things going on,but only you knew all my secrets.

When the soul reveals itself like the sky,I would not prefer to be with any other,rather then with you, with you.

Just say yes, say that you'll be the only one,this soul only belongs to you,in good and in bad.

Say yes, so that my heart could tremble,like it did the first time on your lips.Be mine, be there, until the end of time.

Don't say anything,let me kiss you my beloved (=my only-one),let my arms hold you,we passed the half of the world,there were good, but also the bad things,but only you knew all of my secrets.

When the soul reveals itself like the sky,I would not prefer to be with any other,rather then with you, with you.

Just say yes, say that you'll be the only one,this soul only belongs to you,in good and in bad.

Say yes, so that my heart could tremble,like it did the first time on your lips.Be mine, be there, until the end of time.

When the soul reveals itself like the sky,I would not prefer to be with any other,rather then with you, with you.

(Say yes, say that you'll be the only oneThis soul belongs only to you)

Say yes, so that my heart could tremble,like it did the first time on your lips.Be mine, until the end of time.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Reci Da by Sergej Ćetković. Or Reci Da poem lyrics. Sergej Ćetković Reci Da text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Reci Da meaning.